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Supportcenter/FiveM/How to install Tx Admin
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How to install Tx Admin

Hello, in here you will find how to install tx admin on our panel for FiveM & RedM

Step 1 | Go to your server.
Go to our panel and select the server on which you want to install tx admin by pressing the "manage server" button.

Step 2 | Go to the startup tab
Now go to the starup tab. This can be found in the menu on the left.

Step 3 | Activate Tx Admin
Now activate tx admin by pressing the tx admin button.

Step 4 | Before going to the next step
Remember your txadmin port this can be found under txadmin port. You will need it in step 6.

The port in the picture is not the one you should use. You should use the port of your own server

Step 5 | Now go to the "console" tab
Press the console tab in the left menu.

Step 6 | Start your server
Start your server

Step 7 | Remember the pin
Remember the pin indicated.

Remember! Each server has a different pin. So use the pin that is in your own console.

Step 8 | Open Tx Admin
Open the tx admin panel by pressing the indicated button.

Step 9 | Enter the pin code
Enter the in at the indicated box and then press the green button.

Step 10 | Authorize account
Authorize your account by pressing "Continue"

Step 11 | Create a password
Set a password for the master account.

Step 12 | Almost done
We are almost finished. Press the Blue "next" button to continue.

Step 13 | Set a server name
Enter your server name in the box provided and press the blue "next" button when you are done.

Step 14 | Select existing server data

Step 15 | file Location
Enter here the following which is between the brackets(So not with the brackets) "/home/container/". When finished press the blue "next" button.

Step 16 | Press the blue "next" button

Step 17 | Press the green "Save & start server" button.

Finish | You have now successfully installed txadmin.

If you have not yet succeeded, we are happy to help you on our support page.

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