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Supportcenter/VPS/How do I install the Pterodactyl Panel?

How do I install the Pterodactyl Panel?

So you want to install the Pterodactyl panel, follow this guide carefully and you will be able to host your own servers with Pterodactyl!

This installation exists of 2 parts.

  1. Setting up the panel itsself (This article)
  2. Setting up wings and connecting it

Every end of the part you will see a link that forwards you to the next part, just follow those and everything should go smooth.

  1. To manage your VPS panel you need PuTTy, Termius or another SSH client. Read here how to use an SSH client. Open the SSH client and connect to your server.
  2. Congratulations, you are now in the VPS (Virtual Private Server). You should see a terminal, here enter the command below:
bash <(curl -s https://pterodactyl-installer.se)
Copy and paste the code above!
  1. You should see a menu, in this menu you want to select option 2.

  1. In the terminal they will ask you for a database name and username, you can just press enter for those. After that they will ask you for a database password, you can either press enter and let the software generate a random one or use your own one.

  1. he software will ask you to select a timezone, this is already pre-set so just press enter. Now the software will ask you for a e-mail adress to send SSL notifications to. Enter your e-mail and press enter. The software will now ask you to enter in a e-mail of the admin user of the panel. Enter that and press enter. The software will ask a couple more things such as first name of the admin last name of the admin and the password of the admin user. The software will now ask you for the "FQDN" for the panel. This is basically the website URL. You can either connect your domain and use that
  2. The software will now ask you for the "FQDN" for the panel. This is basically the website URL. You can either connect your domain and use that or use your vps's ip.

  1. The software will ask you if you want to automatically configure the UFW firewall. type "y" and press enter. The software will ask you if you want to enable the anonymous telemetry data. Enter "no" and press enter. Now wait.

  1. It will say installation of panel has been completed, do you want to continue with the wings installation? Press "y" and enter.
  2. Follow this link to continue the last steps of this installation..
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